Welcome to A Victorian Year in Ontario

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen, the year is 1865, Her Majesty Queen Victoria has reigned since 1837 and we are in the midst of a prosperous era. The purpose of this blog is to record the daily round of chores, tasks, trials and triumphs of our household in rural Upper Canada (now known as Ontario). We have embarked on an experiment to live a year as close to the way it was done in 1865 as we possibly can. We will post our remarks and await your comments, suggestions and critiques. So join us as we travel back in time.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Farmers Almanac says....

Farmers Almanac is predicting a long snowy winter this year. Given the amount of snow dumped on the Eastern United States over the past couple of days we should perhaps take heed. We are gathering starter wood today for the kitchen stove and will be bringing in the larger wood for the furnace in the basement. The furnace has been chugging out heat all week for us, as it has been quite cold. So the house is beautifully warm with the furnace and the kitchen stove. All summer I was lamenting the heat in the kitchen , now I am loving it. As are our inside kittens, they vie for the closest seat to the stove. Ken redid the chicken coop floor and has dig it out ,laid crushed stone, and patio stones followed by copious amounts of beautiful fresh straw in the laying boxes and beyond.. We are picking the last of the beautiful pears from the trees out back and I will need to figure out more recipes to preserve them.We will be back later on and talk some more about our winter plans...Dont want to waste the day , it is beautiful outside...M&K


  1. Try drying the pears or better yet rum pot.

  2. Rum pot??
    I may poach them in spices. I have never tried drying them ..I will try that.What is Rum pot?


Thank you for your feed back . If you have anything you would like us to add please ask. Again Thank you !!!