Welcome to A Victorian Year in Ontario

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen, the year is 1865, Her Majesty Queen Victoria has reigned since 1837 and we are in the midst of a prosperous era. The purpose of this blog is to record the daily round of chores, tasks, trials and triumphs of our household in rural Upper Canada (now known as Ontario). We have embarked on an experiment to live a year as close to the way it was done in 1865 as we possibly can. We will post our remarks and await your comments, suggestions and critiques. So join us as we travel back in time.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Has it really been 2 weeks

Margaret here to start...
I apologise for not posting for so long. Had a couple of very busy weeks. Had  3 of our Grandchildren here for a week. Was slightly apprehensive about the kids being here with us doing what we are doing, but soon realised that they are used to our lifestyle . So things went along as they normally do, with a few exceptions.They had to get used to absolutely no lights in the house. They flicked on switches only to discover no lights.Then learned to take a traveller in with them when going into a dark room. I do not have to worry about them touching hot wood stoves or playing with the candles, as they are Aidan 11, Zoe 6 and Jude 5, so lot's big enough to understand  about fire. Plus I have cooked with wood for so long it is same old, same old for them. They did have lot's of fun this trip dipping candles though. They learned about how the ice box workes in it's simplicity. Freaked them out a bit,but they soon learned it was just as cool there as it is in a fridge if you do things properly. The kid's know we do not watch tv so that was not an issue. They spent lots of time in the gardens and discovering all the wonderful wild berries nature has to offer...oh and Zoe discovered the pea patch and now there are none for dinner...she ate all of them. Good thing I have started another bunch.
As an aside ...these are our 3 grand children who live in Guelph. We have another who lives in Mass USA, Thor who just turned 3, July 3rd.  He is getting a new sister who will be named Freya ...exciting news for us to share with whomever will listen.
We have received wonderful imput here on our blog and got a new letter from the South Bay Ladies Tea guild...gave us valuable information on tea and how it was packaged during our time period..so if you have a minute read the comment in the Potables post.Very informative . I thank them again for the information and will be doing further research on this ..It is easy to assume ..

I guess I could summarize these past couple of weeks as "hot", I now  truly understand the need for a summer kitchen. It gets brutally hot in the kitchen with the stove going all day. I have been trying to do extra research on summer meals .But am surprised how little is available here in this part of the world for information.But I am still looking .I have some fantastic books but always looking for more information.

What I have experienced so far in our little project  is the satisfaction of what we are doing here together. The satisfaction of dipping candles and using them, of building a fire and making our meals. Realising how easy these things are in reality. The beauty and quiteness of a room lit by candles and simple conversation or a word game. Watching chicken tv.... watching the chickens be chickens..
We have been working in our gardens and enjoying our bounty. It is raspberry season so we have been collecting lots of raspberries and making this years jams. The house smells wonderful. I will be canning everything I can get my hands on this year so we will be busy.
Forgot to mention we have our buggy, picked it up when the kid's were here. So it has been well welcomed by all. In touch with someone for the horse to go with it ,but that will have to wait a while.
 We got some new chickens and their chicks from our friends Sue & Dave and they are happily mixing with the rest of our chicken crew. Haven't convinced them that inside is best at night but I am sure that will come. Dave and Sue leave them out day and night so they are not used to a chicken coop at night. I am just afraid that racoons will get them , but these chickens are pretty smart.Or seem to be. And it is lovely to see these moms with their little ones cruising around the yard munching on everything that moves.
I am going to leave room for Ken to write a few lines so for now I will say "keep cool"

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